Contact us online


If you are reporting an urgent issue such as a water leak or a dog attack, please contact us on 1300 307 800 and an after hours officer will be notified.
For all other issues, please complete the form below or call us on 1300 307 800 during business hours to speak to one of our friendly Customer Service Officers.
Here is a link to our Contact Us page where you can view our Customer Service Charter and business hours.

Fields marked with * are required.

Privacy statement

We will take all reasonable and appropriate steps, as outlined in our Privacy Policy, to protect your privacy in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2009 and the Information Privacy Principles contained in that Act.

Change my animal details

Change my animal details   

Full name of owner *

Animal reference number (found at top of form) *

Dog's name *

Status of registered animal *

Dog tag number (if known)

Owner's current address

Address dog is kept at (leave blank if same as current address)

Owner's postal address (leave blank if same as current address)

Phone Number

Email address

My preference for receiving correspondence about my dog *
